Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Waiting on driving test results, Idol & Dancing with the stars

Well he thinks it went well and that he passed. I guess we’ll see! He should know sometime either today or tomorrow for sure. Of course in the 10 mins we were gone to the library yesterday the idiot ran 3 yellow lights which is what he failed the test for last time! I wanted to kill him! All I know is he best have passed this time!
So Idol. I think David A is going to take it but I wont buy an album of his! I just dont see the performer in him at all like I do in David C plus his voice really kind of annoys me. Like fingernails on a chalk board type thing. Of course I had to keep messin with Pat last nite. She was trying to vote for David A and I was voting for David C so I kept calling her from my cell while Josh voted from the house phone. When she would try to dial I would be on her line and wouldnt hang up LMAO! She was PISSED! See things like that only work when ur neighbors and live in the woods. In the city with real phone service it never wouldve held the line like that. Ahh the plus sides to being a hick LMAO!
I was really sad to see Cristian go so early. I knew Kristi would win and rightfully so but I think Cristian should have been second and not Jason. Dont get me wrong they r both hotter than hell LOL but Cristian seems like an all around nice guy. Ill miss seeing his chest er I mean moves on the dance floor!
So whats next? So You Think You Can Dance starts tomorrow nite. That will take up a little time. The new Ghost Hunters starts next week. Im about a month behind in Days. I guess Ill have plenty to watch on those sleepless nites!