Monday, July 7, 2008

Chokin on a jello square...not fun

OMG that was not a fun experience hey. I finally managed to make jello squares right so they actually came out of the pan which made me quite happy. So I pop one in my mouth and next thing I know Im pukin in the sink. Damn thing slipped right down my windpipe. I really thought this is it. Im going to die over a fucking jello square! Josh is next to me screamin to Wayne. Angelinas a lunatic. Waynes asking me if Im gonna make it. Holy crap. So yeah not at all fun but worth it since the kids finally got a jello square they could hold and eat the right way which will probably be the last time since I aint making them again anytime soon!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is this: WISH I HAD BEEN THERE TO SEE THAT!!!!

Been missin' ya... Lucky