Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Still no guppy babies & happy Wednesday!

Holy crap. Can they really stay pregnant for life? All 3 of my female guppies r hugely pregnant and no babies yet. One of them (Rainbow) has been with a male for 22 days that I know of. No idea if she was with males before that. They only stay pregnant for an average of 28 days with 21 being shortest time so she should be droppin anytime! The other two I have no idea how far along they r. They were pregnant when we got them and r growing everyday. I thought yesterday was going to be the day for Rainbow. She was breathing all weird and chasing off the boys and hiding a lot but nope. Nothing. So I thought maybe overnite. Still nothing! Damn fish! lol

So tonite its eggplant lasagna for dinner. I was going to go with a pot roast or stuffed chicken but I forgot to thaw them out so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

So the diet. Its going. Havent gained or lost any weight really but I keep weighing in (Wii Fit Plus!) at random times of the day so it isnt consistent. Im going to try doing it around noon and sticking with that time from here on out. Still taking the Xenical and still working out with Wii Fit Plus and EA Active for Wii. The kids love laughing at me when it tells me Im running too slow or when my little mii chick gets all hot and sweaty lol. Someday they will be out of shape and fat and I will be the one laughing at them! lmao. And YES Wayne actually got on the thing. He wasnt thrilled but he did it lol. Now just to keep him doing it!

Ok thats about it for today. Its chilly and rainy and the leaves r falling like crazy out there. Good day to do nothing!